2023 Shred and Recycle Day
Date and Time
Saturday Sep 9, 2023
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
September 9th 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
1090 Montgomery Highway Vestavia Hills, Al 35216

The Vestavia Hills Shred & Recycle Day drop off will be in the parking lot at the Vestavia Hills Civic Center (adjacent to City Hall). Items will be collected on Saturday, September 9 from 8am to noon (or until capacity is reached).
Items available to be collected include electronics and household hazardous waste. (Proof of Vestavia Hills residency is required for hazardous waste disposal.) Paper shredding services will also be available and Vestavia Hills police officers will be on-site to collect unneeded or expired medications for disposal. (Needles will NOT be accepted.)
For a list of acceptable and unacceptable drop off items, click the link below:
Special thanks to: PROTEC Recycling; Amwaste; and Gone for Good (a program of United Ability)