Vapor Ministries

Monday-Saturday: 9-8
Driving Directions:
1069 Montgomery Hwy
Vestavia Hills, AL 35216
Just down the hill from Sprouts Market and across Hwy 31 from Vestavia Hills City Hall and Red Lobster.
About Us
Vapor exists to meed needs and feed souls. What that means for us is that our vision is to glorify Christ by advancing the Gospel and serving the poor in third-world environments. We do that by building sustainable centers for alleviating poverty and multiplying disciples that provide real, sustainable change.
Feeding Souls: We operate holistic, community-based centers where we have approximately 5,400 children, youth and adults participating in disciple-making programs. Currently, we operate five centers around the globe (2 around Nairobi, Kenya; 1 in Togoville, Togo in West Africa; 2 in Northeast Haiti with a third coming online in late 2018/2019). We use the sport of choice in the country (right now that's soccer at all 5 centers) as a platform where people come to play the sport they love and hear about the One who loves them.
Meeting Needs: In addition, we provide medical assistance, preventative disease training, and nutrition and education to families and children in our leagues. We also provide FREE clean water to the communities through a master water project at each center. We employ over 450 individuals around the globe, providing sustainable income and wages for men and women who many times, have never had steady work. I could go on and on, but this is a quick snapshot of who we are and what we do on a macro level.